The world of work is changing

We are at the forefront of the 4th industrial revolution.

Software, robots, and data are eating the world

Companies will spend $2.3T on Digital Transformation in 2023.

56% of all office and manual tasks can be automated with current technology.

Software is available from any computer and device connected to the Internet, anywhere in the world.

All businesses in all industries are increasingly becoming software-driven to gain in reliability and agility. The ones that don't are doomed to collapse.

People and machines are working together.

A new generation is entering the workplace

Old jobs are being displaced, new jobs created.

Professionals of all ages suffered from the 2008 financial crisis, and from the economic crisis caused by the global Covid pandemic.

In an increasingly volatile world, many are looking to find financial independence and meaning through work outside of the traditional enterprise.

35% of the US population engaged in some freelance activity in 2019.

The enterprise is extended and distributed, locally or across the globe.

The global pandemic only accelerated the change

The global Covid pandemic is now amplifying a movement that was already started.

Changes in the way companies and individual work that were supposed to happen over the next 10 years are happening now, at an accelerating pace.